By Samantha Hiyler

March 18 kicked off the newly revamped Fred Forever Week.
Michaela Yonto, senior psychology major and Fred Scholar, stated that in all the previous years, the event has usually been referred to as Fred Fest. However, it never got the publicity or the participation desired so it was decided that a total revamp was needed.
“We changed the name and made it a more interactive event for students on campus,” said Yonto.
The Scholars had a table set up in the Carey Center all week long to host their interactive activities with the students. Each day was a different class’ turn to put forth their event planned for Fred Forever.
Sydney Schoff, senior communication major, stated that the goal of Fred Forever Week is to bring joy to the neighborhood with a series of events based in the lessons learned from Fred Rogers.
“Each event was lovingly crafted by each class of Scholars to bring some positivity and care to campus,” stated Schoff.

The senior Fred Rogers Scholars started the week off by placing Fred Forever bracelets around campus Sunday night for students to find Monday morning. On Tuesday, the junior Scholars set up trolley cookie grams. Then on Wednesday, Fred Rogers’ birthday, the Scholars sat at the table as a whole and gave away cupcakes. On Thursday, the freshman Scholars facilitated a “take a note, leave a note” with positive messages. Finally, on Friday, the sophomores hosted a “What Do You Do With the Stress That You Feel” event in which students could participate in stress-relieving activities relating to Mr. Rogers, such as making a paper trolley or coloring a sweater.
Those that host the event, the Fred Rogers Scholars, are involved in a program that they applied for in high school. The Fred Rogers Scholarship is a four-year, merit-based scholarship in which the students learn more about Fred Rogers and complete service projects.
“We try and spread as much Fred as we can around campus,” said Yonto.
According to Schoff, the event was successful, and many students stopped at their Fred Rogers table to get involved in the different activities.
“My goal with Fred Forever was to show every person on Saint Vincent's campus that they are loved and accepted for who they are at this very moment,” said Schoff.
Fred Forever Week officially closed on Monday, March 25 at 6 p.m. by offering a showing of the documentary, “Won’t You be My Neighbor?” to the community and the campus in the Fred Rogers Center.