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An SVC Tradition Brought Back: APB Hosts First School-wide Dance Since COVID Pandemic

By Erin Brody, Arts & Culture Editor

After a few years of waiting, Saint Vincent College’s Activities Programming Board (APB) was able to host its first school-wide spring Cotillion since 2019 on Friday, March 31, at Stratigos Banquet Centre in North Huntingdon, Pa.

Cotillion was one of the biggest events hosted by APB, but the COVID-19 pandemic soon brought that tradition to an abrupt halt. There was a dance in the spring semester of 2022, but it was only open to juniors and seniors. This year, the tradition of a school-wide Cotillion came back, and students seemed to have a blast.

(From left to right) Sophomore communications major Julia Runk, sophomore nursing major Tristan Moss, sophomore biochemistry major Angelina Bucci, sophomore accounting major Abby Donnelly, middle grade education major Azzia Berestecki, sophomore digital art and media majors Caitlin Hopkins and Sarah Hartner, and sophomore chemistry major Lauren Paullet. (Source: Azzia Berestecki)

“Cotillion was a great experience, and I was super glad I was able to go,” Braden Rankin, sophomore math and engineering major, said. “It was a well-appreciated way to escape the monotony of everyday life at school and participate in such a fun event with my friends.”

Azzia Berestecki, a sophomore middle grade education major, also attended the dance and echoed Rankin’s thoughts, though she was originally unsure if she should go to Cotillion.

“I, honestly, was hesitant to go this year because I wasn’t sure how much I would enjoy myself, but (the) APB exceeded my expectations [of it],” Berestecki said.

Neither Rankin nor Berestecki had any complaints about how the night went, but Rankin, while he “had a great time putting on [his] boogie shoes,” wished there were some more slow songs throughout the dance.

“I had to leave early — about halfway through the dance — and there were not any slow songs played in that whole first half,” Rankin said. “I would have liked to have seen more [slow-paced songs] because they also give you a break from dancing to all the faster paced, higher energy songs.”

Even if this was the case, Rankin said that he looks forward to next year’s Cotillion.

Berestecki recalled her favorite memory from the night: “My roommate and I got [airbrush] tattoos with each other’s names on them as a joke and laughed about it all night!”

All in all, the night was one that will be remembered by those who attended, and no doubt everyone shares Berestecki’s sentiment: “I and all my friends would love to attend the Cotillion next year!”


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