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APB plans spring semester fun: Throwback Week to be next event

By David Collins, Staff Writer

Saint Vincent’s Activities Programming Board (APB) has begun the spring semester with a variety of events to accommodate a variety of interests.

APB kicked off these events with the Harry Potter & PJ Party on Jan. 14. Gryffindors, Ravenclaws, Slytherins and Hufflepuffs alike gathered in the Carey Center for a movie night.

The APB Board (credit APB): APB has a plethora of events on tap for the spring semester.

Veronica Phillip, graduate coordinator for the APB, remarked on the inspiration for this particular theme.

“The Harry Potter night was inspired by students’ interest in the series, especially with the 20th anniversary being this year,” Phillip said. “It was a fun time for all. We showed Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, served Butter Beer in sprinkle-rimmed cups and all students came in their favorite pajamas.”

Students who dressed in pajamas were entered into a raffle drawing at the conclusion of the movie. A cereal bar provided the food for the sea of Potter enthusiasts, gathered as though celebrating the Quidditch World Cup.

The next event planned by the APB was Snow Tubing at Seven Springs on Jan. 21. Busses took off from the Carey Center at 5 p.m. as about twenty students braved the single digit temperatures of the evening.

Madison Kozera, sophomore English major, attended the chilly event.

“It was so cold that the handles on the tube were frozen in place. But I did enjoy it,” Kozera said.

On Jan. 28, APB held a Murder Mystery Dinner in the Fred Rogers Center. This fairy-tale inspired event was attended by nearly fifty students who gathered together to solve a “murder.” Students were ascribed roles and backstories in the days leading up to the event, roles like Rumble Milton, Pine O Kio and Blondilox.

The Murder Mystery Dinner Crew (credit APB): Students assumed the roles of various fairytale characters as they gathered to solve the case at the Murder Mystery Dinner.

Lara Grose, sophomore early education major, participated in the Murder Mystery Dinner. Grose won first place for best costume at the event as “Arella,” a play on Princess Ariel from The Little Mermaid.

“There were three rounds. We had to try to use clues from talking with people and what was on our cards to figure out who was the murderer,” said Grose. “Everyone seemed to be into it which was fun and definitely made a difference, and I would like to do something like that again.”

(Credit: APB) Lara Grose took her role as the redheaded mermaid to heart and was rewarded with the honor of “best costume of the night” at the Murder Mystery Dinner.

Even with the busy start, the APB is far from finished.

“This semester the Activities Programming Board is working hard to create events that appeal to all,” Phillip said.

Phillip urged the student body to be on the lookout for various upcoming events, including Throwback Week, which runs from Jan. 31 to Feb. 4, a trip to the Carnegie Museum of Natural History on Feb. 12 and Pub Trivia on Feb. 16.

Each of these events and further details are posted to the APB Instagram @svc_apb, on the portal and are listed on the Club and Organization page calendar.


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