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SGA to review policies about appeals and violations

By Samantha Hilyer

Robert Gigliotti, president of the Student Government Association, commented on this year’s changes to the student handbook. (Source:

The Student Government Association (SGA) is often involved in many different aspects of campus life, including reviewing new changes made to the Student Handbook. This year, SGA is specifically looking into policies about the appeal processes and how violations of the handbook are managed.

SGA president and junior biology major Robert Gigliotti described this particular project as a “special opportunity” because SGA is now more involved in the process of revising the Student Handbook.

The revisions are being directed by the Saint Vincent College administration, which invited SGA to provide feedback about the appeal processes and handbook violations sections for the administration to take into consideration.

“Our main goal … in the upcoming changes to the handbook revolves around our sense of community as a college and opportunities for students, prefects, RHDs, administrators to be more closely connected, especially when violations of the Student Handbook occur,” Gigliotti said.

During a monthly SGA Executive Board meeting, which included members of the administration such as President Fr. Paul Taylor, O.S.B., Executive Vice President Dr. Jeff Mallory, Vice President of Student Affairs Mary Collins and Vice President of Academic Affairs Dr. John Smetanka, alterations to the Student Handbook were examined and SGA was given the opportunity to be more involved in the process.

“While nothing is official yet, SGA is hoping to have our input turned in to the College administration near the start of May,” Gigliotti said. “SGA has been given this opportunity to provide input and feedback based on our experiences and the experiences of our fellow students.”

Gigliotti described this process as an example of what SGA is involved in and what SGA can accomplish on campus. He encourages other students who wish to be involved to consider running for the upcoming election on April 30 or to reach out to their peers in SGA.

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